RAPPAHANNOCK, VA -- Today, Leslie Cockburn, Democratic nominee for Congress in Virginia's 5th district called on President Trump and his Administration to immediately cease his cruel policy of ripping families apart at the southern border, and urged her opponent to publicly disavow the President's abhorrent immigration policies. As reported, the Trump Administration has implemented a policy at the border that separates children from their parents, a reversal from previous administrations.
"As a mother and grandmother, I can't imagine what these mothers -- who want a better future for their children -- are going through," said Leslie Cockburn. She added, "separating families is un-American and inconsistent with our values. This is not a partisan issue, it is a violation of basic human rights. I will be marching alongside other concerned Americans on June 30th to voice my strong opposition to this cruel practice. President Trump can fix this with a simple call, and I urge him to end this cruel practice before more children are hurt in the process."